Friday, April 4, 2014

My cat Sasha

I've been living with a cat for 6 years now. This blog is for friends, as I kinda have a lot of them and got tired of talking over and over again about this same subject. They all go " Owwww look at this cutie ... Where did you got her from ? Blahblahblah ..." and if you get to know me I get annoyed really fast by small things.

So there are a lot of questions people have asked, but instead of making a list of FAQ and answer them, I will try and make a legitimate blog here. The additional questions can be asked in the comment section and I will answer them here, once about every week.

When I first found Sasha I just couldn't let her out there in the rain. She was really dirty, and only a baby. She was very scared, the thunders were very strong, and I bet she was also very cold. I warmed her up in my arms as much as I could until I got to my flat and put her to dry on a little blanket. I thought I was better off without the hair dryer, as she was already very scared.

 I'm still sorry to this day I had to possibly take her away from her mother. I pass through the park every day, and I have never seen any cats around. I looked after her possible mother for one week, every day. But then I remembered that felines use smell to recognize her babies, and she would've probably rejected her anyway. I hope nothing bad happened to her, and that the baby just got lost by herself.

The first day after I found her I bought a litter box. She went and did her thing right there the first time, and didn't spread any sand around. That's when keeping her first popped up in my head. She is a very clean cat.

But one problem you all know about is the hair ... god damn she leaves around a lot of hair. You can see it on my clothes, you can see it on my shoes, you can see it on my sofa, even my dishes and face are sometimes full of hair. It's not her fault. She sheds because cats shed, the same all hairy animals do, including humans.

But her hair is special. Because it's so soft and thin and dense, air just keeps it around when a single hair loses the horde. The simple head difference from the bottom and top of my room will get hair floating around. She also shocks me pretty often, when I pet her. I noticed strangely that she doesn't shock everyone, but it seems like I'm not part of the lucky group.

Why Sasha ? Because I didn't really know how to make a difference between cat males and females, and it's hard to see anyway when they are small. I know that Sasha is a name used for both sexes, so I just named her that way.

So there are a few things I want to do this month like taking Sasha to the dentist after seeing this video.

I noticed that her breath kinda stinks sometimes, and that her teeth are more yellowish by the day. I've been feeding her only quality pet food from Whiskas because that's what she enjoys the most. I made this test by placing 5 cups of different brands of food, and because she's smart, she smelled them all before and picked one. I repeated the test the next day, so I figured out what she likes most.

I'm also looking for a bigger vacuum, because the big one broke and I can't fix it, and the small pet hair one that I have can't do all the job. I'll be writing about this in the next post.

So that's about it for this post. I don't have much time, and don't know when I will be writing again, but I'm planning to do it tomorrow. Can't promise.

Kisses from Tasha and Sasha

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